About our Company
In the year 1991 C.L.S Enterprises was founded by Mr.S.JAGADEESAN.
During the past 20 years we have successfully established them on the market and have provided proof of their potential hundredfold. The high quality manufacturing of the products guarantees for first rate work piece quality, precision and reliability. We draw our strength from our excellent and skilled staff, of whom many have even decades of experience in the line of Sheet Metal Fabrication.
Our Mission
- Looking forward to opportunities for continual up gradation in technology and manufacturing processes.
- Consistently monitor Customer needs and levels of satisfaction and taking suitable corrective action when needed.
- Ensuring timely delivery of Quality Products by optimum utilization of man, machine and materials.
- Creating safe and healthy work environment for our workforce.
Featured Services
- High precision Elevators
- Escalator Accessories
- Control Panel & Cabinets
C.L.S Enterprises
Plot No.30 New Street,
Solambedu Road,(Near Kanan Theatre)
Thirumullaivoyal, Chennai-62.
Mobile: +91 9444990221
E-Mail: enterprises.cls@gmail.com